Terms of Enrollment
As the Parent (before camp): "I will read the current Student Behavior Contract with my child and support Ad Foris (A TeeterPal Branch) Counselor decisions and Behavior Standards. And I understand that if my child is dangerous to himself or others, he/she will be immediately expelled without refund."
I understand that no organization, including Ad Foris, can guarantee that your family will not be exposed to Coronaviruses. Staying home will likely be a safer option in that regard. Your children attending the Ad Foris day camp is your free choice as the parent.
Camp registrations include opting-in to occasional email, text, or possible postal mail communications from Ad Foris. Phone calls from camp staff are only made in the event of student care/transportation situations or registration issues.
E-signatures: This contract is made legally valid when electronically submitted by the parent or guardian of the child(ren) and the enrollment is accepted by Ad Foris, here referred to as the Company. The signing parent/guardian agrees to follow all the rules and regulations established by the Company including those regarding payment and child(ren's) behavior as partially outlined in the most current Behavior Contract available at the back.
Dismissal: For the general welfare of all participants, Ad Foris reserves the right to dismiss any participant whose conduct or influence, in the opinion of the Company staff, is dangerous or detrimental to the best interests of the Company or participants. Also, any participant found in possession of or using alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal or immoral substance or materials will be dismissed immediately and no refund issued. As well, the available Student Behavior Contract will generally outline behavior and safety guidelines which may include possible alternatives to dismissal.
Contract: This contract constitutes the full understanding of the parties hereto and no change, modification or waiver of any of the terms shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. Any parent signing this agreement acknowledges that he/she is acting as an agent of the non-signing parent, has the authority to enroll the child(ren) at the Company and to execute this agreement on behalf of the non-signing parent. This contract is binding and any dispute between parents shall not affect Ad Foris’s right to enforce it. It is agreed to use binding neutral arbitration to resolve disputes.
Parents acknowledge that various Company programs may include the minor's direct involvement and control over: knife/saw/axe and other tools, woodworking, playing with rope, archery, bow and crossbow carving, zipline, arrow making, stone tool making, paint and dyes, animal tracking and stalking, spear making and throwing, throwing sticks and rocks, animal anatomy or owl pellet dissection, fire-by-friction,playing with matches and lighters, flint-and-steel fire making, hammock and tent camping, map and compass use, nature hikes,fishing and trapping, knot tying, lasso throwing, rope bridges, slacklines, zip lines, rope swings, tree and pole climbing, watercraft trekking, geology and astronomy classes, chemistry, physics, scissors, hay and grass, feathers, insects, shellfish, wild animals, milking, rawhide, sinew, animal bones, nuts, fungi, wild edible plant tasting, basket making, survival shelter building, wilderness backpacking, moccasin and leather sewing, toy sword fighting, gymnastics, card throwing, catapult operation, exploding high air-pressure water bottle targets, model rocket making and launching, sun magnification fire-making, kite flying, farm animals, making toys that fly, magnesium alloy fire starting, stone grinding of grains, strong magnets, digging tunnels, making tie-dye shirts, muddy obstacle courses, various science fair style projects, and other fun stuff.
Medical Treatment and Fitness
As my child(ren) is attending programs created by Ad Foris, I hereby authorize all adult program staff, or in his/her absence or disability, any adult accompanying or assisting him/her to provide treatment and transportation, and In the event that a parent cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to camp staff the CONSENT TO THE FOLLOWING MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR MYSELF and/or SAID MINOR(S):
Any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician and/or surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practices Act, California Business and Professions Code Section 2000 et seq.; or any x-ray examination, anesthetic, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care to be rendered by a dentist licensed under the provisions of the Dental Practices Act, California Business and Professions Code Section 1600 et seq.
This authorization is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 6910-6911 of the Family Code of California. This authorization shall remain effective until my child(ren) completes his/her activities in this program unless sooner revoked in writing. I understand that as a parent/guardian, I will be responsible for the cost of any service or treatment provided.
I hereby certify that my child(ren) is/are in good physical and mental health in the capacity required to participate in all functions of the Ad Foris and related programs in which she/he/they is/are enrolled. I understand it is my responsibility to keep the information on this form updated in writing (including Health History and parent/guardian status).
Liability Waiver & Media Release
In regards to my child’s or my participation in or reenactment of the activities related to Ad Foris, I acknowledge all of the following:
1. Voluntary Participation. I acknowledge that I have voluntarily registered my child(ren) and/or myself to participate in Ad Foris programs. Children with elders in the home, or children with immune deficiencies or other underlying health conditions are recommended to not attend any programs until vaccinated and the participation for high-risk individuals is approved by a doctor.
2. The assumption of outdoor risk: I AM AWARE THAT THE Ad Foris ACTIVITIES ARE HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES, AND CARRY RISKS THAT INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO ABRASIONS, CUTS, LOSS OF LIMBS, CONTUSIONS, MUSCLE STRAINS, BROKEN BONES, DISEASE, INFECTIONS. These risks may result not only from MY OR MY MINOR’s own actions, inactions or negligence, but also from the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the condition of the facilities, equipment, or areas where the camp l is being conducted. I understand and accept that nature has risks that may include falling trees and branches, exposure to poison oak, stinging nettle, and other plants that the child(ren) may touch or ingest. I understand and accept the risks of toxic or poisonous insects and animals, Lyme Disease, rabies, bird flu and other diseases and infections that may be transmitted by exposure or class interaction with living or dead insects or animals. I am voluntarily participating and/or permitting my child(ren) to participate in the understanding of these and related risks involved. ON BEHALF OF MY CHILD(REN) AND FAMILY AND MYSELF I HEREBY AGREE TO ACCEPT ANY AND ALL RISKS.
3. Readiness for Activity. I certify that my minor(s) and/or myself is/are in good health and has/have no physical or mental condition that would affect safe participation in the program.
4. Liability Release. I hereby agree on behalf of myself and my child(ren) and family that neither myself nor my assignees, heirs, and legal representatives nor my child(ren) and my child(ren)’s assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives will make a claim against, sue, or attach Ad Foris, associates, employees, volunteers, any substitutes, or the property of Ad Foris on account of injury or damage resulting from the reasonable/anticipated accidents, by the aforementioned employee(s), agent(s), member(s), or associate(s) of the Ad Foris as a result of my or my child(ren)’s participation the activities. I hereby release Ad Foris and their employees, agents, members, or associates, from all actions, claims, or demands that I or my assignees, heirs, and legal representatives or my child(ren) and my child(ren)’s assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives now have or may hereafter have for injury or damage resulting from my or my child(ren)’s or family's participation in all activities now and into the future.
5. Knowing this, and in consideration of being permitted to participate and/or receive instruction in Ad Foris Camp activities, I hereby voluntarily release the Board of Directors of Ad Foris and all those associated with its programs from any and all liability resulting from or arising out of my participation and/or receipt of instruction in Camp activities.
I also understand that it is my sole responsibility to comply with all regulations and legal requirements while participating in the camp activities. I understand I have received the instructions and guidance for all the above activities from Ad Foris and it is my own responsibility to read them all and comply with them.
I understand and agree that I am releasing not only the entities set forth in the paragraph above, but also the officers, agents, volunteers, project directors, and employees of those entities. I understand and agree that this release will have the effect of releasing, discharging, waiving and forever relinquishing any and all actions or causes of action that I may have or have had, whether past, present or future, whether known or unknown and whether anticipated or unanticipated by me, arising out of my participation and/or receipt of instruction in camp activities. This release constitutes a complete release, discharge, and waiver of any and all causes of action against the Board of Directors of Ad Foris, its officers, agents, volunteers, project directors, and employees and all those associated with camp programs. I understand and agree that this release applies to personal injury, property damage, which I may suffer, even if caused by the acts or omissions of others.
I and my child/children recognize that there are certain inherent risks associated with the above described activity and I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself and family members, and further release and discharge Ad Foris, its officers, agents, volunteers, project directors, and employees and all those associated with camp programs for any injury, loss or damage arising out of my family’s use of or presence upon these outdoor facilities, weather caused by the fault of myself, my family, Ad Foris or other third parties.
I understand and agree that this release will be binding on me, my spouse, my heirs, my personal representatives, my assigns, my children and guardian ad litem for said children. I understand and agree that by signing this release, I am to release, indemnify and hold the Board of Directors of Ad Foris, its officers, agents, volunteers, project directors, and employees, and all those associated with camp programs harmless from any and all liability or costs, including attorney fees, associated with or rising from my participation and/or receipt of instruction in Ad Foris camp activities.
6. I hereby agree on behalf of myself and my child(ren) and family that neither myself and my assignees, heirs, and legal representatives nor my child(ren) and my child(ren)’s assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives will make a claim against, sue, or attach Ad Foris board directors, its officers, associates, employees, volunteers, any substitutes, or the property of the Ad Foris on account of injury or damage resulting from the negligence or other acts, howsoever caused, by the aforementioned employee(s), agent(s), member(s), or associate(s) of Ad Foris as a result of my or my child(ren)’s participation the activities. I hereby release Ad Foris board directors, its officers, and their employees, agents, members, volunteers or associates, from all actions, claims, or demands that I or my assignees, heirs, and legal representatives or my child(ren) and my child(ren)’s assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives now have or may hereafter have for injury or damage resulting from my or my child(ren)’s or family's participation in Ad Foris camp.
7. Knowing and Voluntary Execution. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN ME AND MY CHILD(REN), AND Ad Foris, AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. My electronic signature on this document is intended to bind not only myself but also my successors, heirs, representatives, administrators, and assignees.
8. Media Release: I/we minors/adults/guardians named OR family members later/previously enrolled or present during activities, do hereby give Ad Foris, and its assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives, and heirs the past/present/future irrevocable right to use my name (or any fictional name), picture, portrait, video, live-stream or photograph/video/sound-recording/literary-work in all forms and in all media and in all manners, including the use of facial recognition technologies and apps, without any restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations or derivative works made in any medium) for advertising, trade, sale, promotion, exhibition, or any other purposes, and I/we waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph/video/sound-recording/literary-work or finished versions including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith.
I/we hereby release and agree to hold harmless the Photographer, his or her assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives and heirs and 3rd party providers from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of the photographs/video and other media, or in any processing tending toward the completion of the finished product.
I/we agree that Ad Foris and its assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives, and heirs own the copyright to the photographs/videos/ sound-recordings/literary-work (including any photographs/videos/ sound-recordings/literary-works made by participants, family, visitors, friends, camp staff or helpers in relation to the program) and I/we hereby waive any claims I/we may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived therefrom, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel. I/we or my parent/guardian am/is of full age and competent to sign this release. I/we agree that this release shall be binding on me, my legal representatives, heirs, and assigns. I/we have fully read this release and am/are entirely familiar with its contents.
The camp location or program may change as needed in case of a forest fire, smoke, or other reasons.
Parents agree to keep their sick or fevered children at home, including children who are living with a person infected with a Coronavirus.
Visibly healthy kids attending camp will wear appropriate face coverings. Camps will feature stable class groups. Parents agree to follow all updates to the Ad Foris Pandemic Safety Protocol.
In exchange for use of the property, facilities, and services of Ad Foris, of 4010 Moorpark Ave Suite 214, San Jose, California, 95117, I, agree for myself and (if applicable) for the members of my family, to the following:
1. AGREEMENT TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. I, on behalf of myself and my family
members, agree to observe and obey all rules and warnings regarding COVID-19, and further agree to follow any oral instructions or directions given by Ad Foris, or the employees, representatives, contractors or agents of Ad Foris.
2. ASSUMPTION OF THE RISKS AND RELEASE. I recognize that there are certain
inherent risks associated with the above described activity regarding COVID-19, acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and understand that CDC and public health authorities recommend the practice of social distancing, and I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself and (if applicable) my family members, and further release and discharge Ad Foris, its elected and appointed officials and employees, contractors, and organizer, sponsor, supervisor, contracted facilitator, or any volunteer connected with the program for injury, loss or damage arising out of my or my family's use of the service or facilities of Ad Foris, whether caused by the fault of myself, my family, Ad Foris or other third parties.
I acknowledge that Ad Foris has followed all local and state requirements regarding the coronavirus pandemic to reduce the spread of COVID-19. I acknowledge that Ad Foris cannot guarantee that I will not become infected with COVID-19.
3. INDEMNIFICATION. I agree to indemnify and defend Ad Foris, its elected and appointed officials and employees, and organizer, sponsor, supervisor, contracted facilitator, or any volunteer connected with the program, against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my or my family's use of the service or facilities of Ad Foris.
4. NO DURESS. I agree and acknowledge that I am under no pressure or duress to sign this Agreement and that I have been given a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. I further agree and acknowledge that I am free to have my own legal counsel review this Agreement if I so desire. I further agree and acknowledge that Ad Foris has offered to refund any fees I have paid to use its facilities if I choose not to sign this Agreement.
5. ARM'S LENGTH AGREEMENT. This Agreement and each of its terms are the product of an arm's length negotiation between the Parties. In the event any ambiguity is found to exist in the interpretation of this Agreement, or any of its provisions, the Parties, and each of them, explicitly reject the application of any legal or equitable rule of interpretation which would lead to a construction either "for" or "against" a particular party based upon their status as the drafter of a specific term, language, or provision giving rise to such ambiguity. Accordingly, the Parties specifically reject the application of Cal. Civ. Code §1654 to this Agreement, as well as any other statute or common law principles of similar effect.
6. ENFORCEABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, whether standing alone or as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance, shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement or of any other applications of such provision, as the case may be, and such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement.
7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties will attempt to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement through friendly negotiations amongst the parties. If the matter is not resolved by negotiation, the parties will resolve the dispute using the below Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedure.
Any controversies or disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be submitted to mediation in accordance with any statutory rules of mediation. If mediation is not successful in resolving the entire dispute or is unavailable, any outstanding issues will be submitted to final and binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator's award will be final, and judgment may be entered upon it by any court having proper jurisdiction.
Ad Foris Pandemic Safety Protocol
Ad Foris is committed to stable outdoor cohorts and face coverings in 2021, and we strictly follow the Order of the Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara.
Staff this year will help to make COVID prevention easy for the kids to follow without impacting the fun experiences of a childhood.
The CDC recommended use of face coverings for campers and adults will again be required by Ad Foris in 2021, even among vaccinated kids/staff.
It is also recommended that staff and camp families have access to testing and vaccinations before attendance at camps.
Each morning, the parking lot staff will provide all students a touchless temperature check and a dab of hand sanitizer.
Students who are sick or have illness in the home may attend only after the family has self-quarantined for 10 days with no signs of illness in the household.
Hand sanitizer usage is supervised by adult staff before and after eating, plus as needed, and during the daily departure line-up.
Students have all-day access hand sanitizer.
Staff will disinfect common surfaces with 1/2% hydrogen peroxide sprays (per CDC recommendation), and we use Lysol or diluted bleach sprays as is appropriate.
Lunchtime, water breaks and snacking will require students to be sitting in designated spots, 6-feet from other students.
Students will remain in the fresh open air. (We have no enclosed buildings unless your child builds one).
If your child has spent the past year indoors, then sunblock is recommended as needed. Although please keep in mind that Vitamin D is produced from natural sunlight on skin, which is often recommended for immune health. Our camp staff will try to remind your child to not remain in direct sunlight long enough to get a sunburn.
Required: The parent or legal guardian of minors named on this registration hereby declares: *
I certify that I am the parent named on this form. I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and waivers (WRITTEN in the sections ABOVE), including the parental responsibility of reviewing and approving the terms of enrollment, safety protocol, and behavior contract.
Ad Foris has safety rules which guide our Counselors in running a safe camp for kids. We partner with parents in the experiential teaching of risk assessment/management for children.
There is often a fine line between "looking dangerous" and "being dangerous". Deciding where that line is located will begin in the mind of the child, but then at the correct time the Counselor will set the limit for each individual student. And the student must immediately respect that limit. This is a serious Counselorship with a goal of real-world self-reliance and risk-management education.
To attend Ad Foris Camp, students must follow these guidelines:
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. At home, before you arrive at the Company:
1. Eat a full breakfast. Seriously, you will be outdoors and will need the calories.
2. We suggest showering with peppermint soaps to reduce tick and mosquito attraction. Bug doesn’t like peppermint. Other fragrances may actually attract insects. (Ticks are rare during most summers).
3. Sun Protection. Kids need sunblock and should wear hats if possible.
4. Wear long pants that cover the ankle, to help prevent splinters, cuts, ticks, and contact with poison oak. Cotton jeans also give some protection from tool cuts.
5. Wear boots or shoes that cover toes and heels. No sandals at camp! And wear over-the-ankle socks that can be sprayed with bug repellent.
6. Clearly understand what time you should expect to be picked up after camp. And/or bring a
permission note to show Staff if your parents are having you go home with another family.
Bring a small backpack that contains your:
· Several water bottles (equaling 2 liters or 64 oz) with your name on each bottle.
· Long-sleeve shirt for sun, bugs and often cold mornings.
· Optional personal First Aid Kit, with no medications.
· Bring that big lunch that you will be eating like some sort of wild cave kid. And two separate snacks.
· Use unscented bug repellent as approved by your parents. Put it in a double zip-lock. Parents may spray their child in advance. Kids should not use sprays without parent or staff supervision. Students, please ask Ad Foris Staff before you take your bug spray out of your backpack.
· Please don't bring cameras or electronics. Only Counselors may photograph, film or record Company programs.
· Optionally, a cellular phone may ONLY be kept in your backpack (in a ziplock bag). The phone MUST be turned completely off. Phones are only used in the presence of a Counselor, and only for family communication concerning transportation or family emergencies. No game or music playing, and no sharing or showing content to others. Talk to a Counselor BEFORE taking your phone out of your backpack. Students who break this rule may in some instances be expelled without refund.
1. Please try to bring only healthy foods, preferably without sugar. Good food generally contains a maximum of 1 to 5 ingredients.
2. For ages 5-7 , regular sack lunches only, and two snacks (seperate from the lunch)
3. No sharing of food allowed between students, except for siblings if okay with their parents.
4. Please only bring entirely nut-free and common allergen-free foods, for the safety of other students. No nut products, including various kinds of granola bars.
Face Coverings and Play-Spacing:
Face coverings for students and staff will be required in all camps again this year.
Play Spacing should be observed as is appropriate, which is 3-feet this year.
All activities can only be with members of your own cohort.
1. Clearly ask Counselors before going to the closest bathroom. And always go to the bathroom with one of our counselors.
2. Wash your hands afterwards or use the provided hand-sanitizer. Inform staff of accidents.
1. Remember that dead sticks might be poison oak sticks. So don't collect, carve or burn with wood of unknown origin.
2. Only cut live plants and leaves with direct Counselor approval.
3. Track and follow live animals with respect, and with Counselor supervision.
4. Follow established tick safety instructions as written here and read more online at:
5. Before getting in a car to go home, shake-out clothing, hats and backpack.
6. At home, launder clothes that may have been exposed to poison oak or ticks.
7. Take a shower with lots of soap to wash away poison oak oils, and to search for ticks as described on the above website and/or the CDC website.
1. No ignition attempts of any kind without direct Counselor supervision. This includes magnifying glasses.
1. Counselors will demonstrate First Aid as needed, and students may calmly watch, learn, or wait quietly.
In an emergency you must follow Counselor directions exactly if you are able.
2. If you fall or trip you must immediately inform staff. Do not get up, move or scream until a Counselor has cleared you of apparent injuries.
3. Counselors are prepared to care for students in case of road closure, forest fire, major storm or other situations. Students agree to stay calm and learn from the experience.
1. Words, humor, student possessions and story-telling must be clean and kind.
2. Constructive encouragement should not become teasing.
3. All students agree to kindly nurture other students.
Your promise: "As a student at Ad Foris, I agree to move forward in maturity as
my Counselor guide me in finding my inner bigger self. I will follow the above rules. And I will seek an authentic outdoor childhood in my journey towards becoming a responsible adult.``