Veterans Day Outdoor Camp
Veterans Day Outdoor Camp
Service Description
Explore the wonders of the great outdoors through a mix of exciting educational activities - Discover the secrets of nature, and enjoy a day filled with engaging games tailored for young explorers. Don't miss out! Arrive in Park, introductory games and stretching ‘5 Senses walk’ Honeyour observation skills on this short warmup hike. Learn how to use all 5 senses to experience the natural world around you! native plants and animals, wilderness safety, and experiencing nature in ways that are often overlooked. Students will learn to avoid poison oak, identify common uses of their local flora, and understand the way a landscape changes over time. All hikes will focus on observation and critical thinking skills and use group discussion to share and build on student discoveries. Insect lesson, hand out bug-catching supplies and checklists Let your curiosity run wild with hands-on science activities, crafts, and guided exploration. Learn about flowers and leaves, then take a close look at insects! Explore and understand what we have in common with other animals. Learn about structure, function, and life cycles with our live insects; Collect insects in the field and record their diversity Learn about the world of birds! Where they live, what they eat, and how they find food Beaks! (a fun activity where kids are given different items that will act like various beak types and try to use them to perform tasks) Bird’s nest game: Kids put their understanding of bird behavior to the test with a fun challenge to build their own bird’s nest using the natural materials around them Lunch/Extended snack Break Next up, Wind Sock Craft Wrap up of camp :) Location Cupertino: Vasona lake park Palo Alto: Redwood grove nature preserve Fremont: Coyote hill regional park Discounts - referral discount: $25 off for both parties. Contact us to get manual refund - sibling discount: $25 off for second kid or above. Contact us to get manual refund
Contact Details
453 West San Carlos Street, San Jose, CA, USA